6 Ways Christian Students Can Prepare for College: #5 Doubting Your Faith Does Not Make You a Bad Christian

I am in the middle of a 6-part series helping Christian students think through how to prepare for life at a big university. This topic is particularly relevant, I hope, given the number of high school seniors who are in the middle of deciding where the…

6 Ways that Christian Students Can Prepare for College: #2 You Won’t Have All the Answers

Last week I began a new 6-part series helping Christian students think through how to prepare for life at a big university. The series is based on a recent lecture I gave to the Regents School in Austin, Texas, where I laid out 6 principles designed to…

What If I Can’t Answer Questions about My Faith?

Last week I began a new blog series in anticipation of my forthcoming book, Surviving Religion 101: Letters to a Christian Student on Keeping the Faith in College (Crossway, 2021). This new series will include 7 videos that tackle key intellectual ques…

How I Almost Lost My Faith in College: A Preview of My Latest Book

In the fall of 1989, I began my freshman year at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Like many freshmen, I was excited for the next chapter in my life, eager to explore the new opportunities and experiences that college had to offer.
Of co…

Surviving Doubt: Six Videos Providing Answers to Difficult Questions about the Christian Faith

Ever had a moment in your life where you doubted what you believe? I mean, really doubted?
I can still remember when that happened in my life. It was my freshman year at UNC-Chapel Hill as I was sitting in a religion class on the New Testament. The pro…

What are the Differences Between Covenantal and Dispensational Theologies?

To this day, I can still remember watching those “rapture” movies in my middle school youth group.  In particular, I remember A Thief in the Night (1972), which scared the pants off of me. It was a bit of a mix between a horror movie and ch…

Want to Understand How Suffering Fits with the Sovereignty of God? Here’s a Great Place to Start

One of the perennial questions for all theologians (and all human beings) is “Why do we suffer?”  And, “If God is good and sovereign, why does he allow suffering?”
While most of us have these questions, we don’t really have to deal with them until we e…

My New Lay-Level Class on the Origins and Authority of the Bible

Note: This post is regularly updated with new handouts and MP3 recordings.
Have you ever had a time in your life when you really (I mean really) doubted the truth of the Bible? Maybe you wondered whether everything you ever believed was a lie. Anyone w…
