Dismantling Dispensationalism: The Origin, Necessity, and Interpretation of the Bible

Christianity is true insofar that the Holy Bible is God’s self-revelation to mankind.[1] The entirety of the Christian faith and its corresponding worldview hinges upon the Bible being the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God (2 Cor. 2:17; 4:2). At least two frightening consequences would result from the Bible simply being another book from […]

Some Reflections On Those Who Walk Away from the Faith (Rhyne Putman)

(You can find the following Twitter thread from Rhyne Putman here or here.) A few traits characterize the theologians, pastors, and students I know who have walked away from their faith. They “loved human praise more than praise from God” (John 12:43). They often seemed more concerned about being open-minded than having their minds renewed […]

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It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! An Encouragement to Give through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Why am I a Southern Baptist? I was born this way. I’m also a Baptist by conviction. And I’m a Southern Baptist because I’m a sucker for the Bible and missions. The Bible and missions. The Bible and missions. The Bible and missions. When I think about the Southern Baptist Convention, everything always comes back […]

The post It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! An Encouragement to Give through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering appeared first on Conservative Resurgence: Voices.

Postmodernism and Christian Apologetics

THE UNIVERSAL CHARGE FOR CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS During his pastoral tenure at the church in Ephesus, Timothy was confronted with a geographical environment that featured many opponents of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.[1] Amidst the surrounding area of the Ephesian church plant, was a cesspool of religious heresies being postulated by those who had once identified […]

Something New is Coming: Jeremiah 31:31-37 (Part 2)

Part 1 can be found here. The Promise of the New Covenant 31:31. “Behold the days are coming” (ESV). This phrase, as I showed above, is used frequently by Jeremiah. It precedes a promise with certain results grounded in Yahweh’s sovereign rule over everything. Sometimes it precedes a promise of the judgment upon Yahweh’s people. […]

Race and Racism in the Bible

Topic Definition The term “race” has been ambiguously employed since the inception of the word. It is employed only four times (in the biological rather than competitive sense) in the … More

The post Race and Racism in the Bible appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Standpoint Hermeneutics

A recent lecture on hermeneutics promoted by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) reminded me of a scene at the end of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. In it … More

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Bunyan, Belief, and the New Birth: Why Regeneration Precedes Faith

Regeneration is Necessary to Believe In the last sermon he ever preached, August 19, 1688, John Bunyan said, “Believing is the consequence of the new birth.”[1] I would point out … More

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Home, Church, and State—God’s Good Gifts and Satan’s Evil Attacks

I believe in conspiracy theories. I think you should too, if you are a Bible believer. To be clear, I believe in one giant conspiracy theory standing behind every example … More

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Can I Be Sure I’m a Christian?

The biblical teaching on the assurance of grace and salvation is vitally important for healthy Christian living. The provisions that believers are given in Christ are transformative. “If anyone is … More

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What Can the Righteous Do?: Some thoughts on the Sufficiency of Scripture and the SBC

A Story I began my first pastorate at the age of 24, ready to conquer the world for the glory of King Jesus! I commenced preaching through the book of … More

The post What Can the Righteous Do?: Some thoughts on the Sufficiency of Scripture and the SBC appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Hermeneutics and Expository Preaching

If any pastor has questioned the importance of hermeneutics or the serious challenges arising within the field over the last fifty to seventy-five years then the June 26, 2015 United … More

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