Inerrancy, Pragmatism, and Why I am Voting for Mike Stone for President of the SBC

I have been asked this question numerous times over the last few months. Usually it is attached to another question like this, “Since Al Mohler shares your reformed theology, why … More

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Confessions Give Clear and Tested Expression To Controverted Doctrines

At least through the first three centuries of Christian history, baptism was preceded by a statement of belief on the part of the person being baptized. Some confessions arose, therefore, … More

The post Confessions Give Clear and Tested Expression To Controverted Doctrines appeared first on Founders Ministries.

What is Covenant Theology? Here are Two New Resources You Don’t Want to Miss

Few would doubt that the last twenty has seen a remarkable surge of interest in Reformed Theology. So much so, that many younger evangelicals, as opposed to prior generations, would now be comfortable identifying themselves as reformed (in some way).
