Religious Liberty and The Patriarch of San Fernando

John MacArthur has created a ruckus, again. A couple of his recent sermons have seemingly disparaged both democracy and religious liberty, declaring neither to be biblical concepts, at least not … More

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Fight Small Battles

I count myself a longtime listener, sometime caller, of The Sword and The Trowel podcast. Albeit, as any attentive listener of taste and sense will surely confirm, the quality of … More

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Pastor James Coates, Liberty of Conscience, and Jesus as King over Albertan Magistrates

The Albertan civil magistrate required Grace Life Church to close its doors. Pastor James Coates and the church continued to assemble as Christ directs. He now sits in jail. His … More

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Pastor James Coates, Liberty of Conscience, and Jesus as King over Albertan Magistrates

The Albertan civil magistrate required Grace Life Church to close its doors. Pastor James Coates and the church continued to assemble as Christ directs. He now sits in jail. His … More

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How Deep The Rot Goes: Female Pastors and the SBC

Every now and then, there are moments that serve as windows. We are presented with an opportunity to see things if we are willing to look. The folks over at … More

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Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: SBC, CRT, and the BFM

Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it, And spills the upper boulders in the sun; And makes gaps even two can pass abreast. … More

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The Biblical Gospel in the Unbiblical Bible Belt

Bible Belt Ministry Our church assembles in a rural area on the outskirts of a military base—Fort Leonard Wood, MO. Our community is in the Bible belt, where Christianity is practiced nominally by numerous professing believers. Many have come to church, listened to a sermon, repeated a prayer during an altar call, and have left […]

The Southern Baptist Convention Should Be Led by Pastors

“The exchange of one set of bureaucrats for another doth not a reformation make.” I first heard Timothy George, the founding Dean of Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, Alabama, make … More

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Dismantling Dispensationalism: Examining the Historical Origins of Dispensationalism

Introduction   Dispensational theology is a nineteenth-century aberration away from historic, orthodox, Biblical Christianity. Undoubtedly, an introductory statement of this nature has already polarized some readers. Is this simply a pejorative statement made by an overzealous refugee of Dispensationalism? After all, on what basis can a 25-year-old make such a dogmatic claim about Dispensationalists, especially […]

About That Richard Baxter Quote: Part III

I stated at the outset of this series that an examination of Richard Baxter’s thought in context would not simplify the issue at hand but rather complicate it. This final … More

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Dismantling Dispensationalism: My Journey Out of Dispensationalism

Some Preliminary Thoughts to the Reader I’m not a person who goes out of the way to look for controversy. If you ask those who know me best, they’ll confirm that I tend to be more of a “people-pleaser.” Under most circumstances, if it means making somebody else happy or avoiding conflict, I’m willing to set […]

Eldership in the Local Church Pt. 8: Opposing Views to Plural Elder Led Congregationalism–Single Elder Led Congregationalism

Single Elder-led Congregationalism  The last governmental structure worthy of consideration is single elder-led congregationalism. This view denies the bishop hierarchal structure espoused in Episcopalianism. It likewise denies the interdependent connectional structure espoused in Presbyterianism. Like plural elder-led congregationalism, single elder-led congregationalism affirms the autonomy of each local/visible church. The distinguishing mark between these two governmental […]

About That Richard Baxter Quote: Part I

Introduction You’ve probably seen it going around. Almost as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic began, Christian commentators, following the right and well-meaning impulse to look to the past for guidance … More

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Eldership in the Local Church Pt.7: Opposing Views to Plural Elder Led Congregationalism–Presbyterianism

Opposing Views to Plural Elder Led Congregationalism The second prominent opposing view to plural elder-led congregationalism worth considering is Presbyterianism. Christians in the Presbyterian tradition hold to a system of church government in which elected elders/presbyters from churches represent churches and oversee them. Hence the name Presbyterianism. This system opposes the independency of a church […]

Why Reformed Christians Are Vulnerable To Social Justice

Many young Christians didn’t learn how to understand justice from Scripture. So in college, they learned how to understand justice from culture. And now, they think injustice is justice. And … More

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Eldership in the Local Church Pt. 6: Opposing Views to Plural Elder Led Congregationalism–Episcopalianism

Opposing Views to Plural Elder Led Congregationalism The first major opposing view to plural elder-led congregationalism that we will consider is Episcopalianism. There are different groups that hold to different theological convictions that use this form of church governance. The Episcopalian governance structure teaches that bishops are a distinct office, above deacons and presbyters.[1] Some […]

Eldership in the Local Church Pt. 5: Plural Elder Led Congregationalism

Plural Elder Led Congregationalism We have given consideration to who an elder is and what an elder does. But now we must consider how an elder cooperates with a congregation. The Bible’s discussion of church leadership always assumes a congregational context.[1] Sam Waldron writes the following about the congregational nature of the church: Congregationalism may […]
