Religious Liberty: The Glory of Baptists

Henry C. Vedder, in his Baptists and Liberty of Conscience (1884), proudly declared that the “glory of Baptists” was that they were the first to advocate religious liberty for all … More

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A Letter to a Church from Its Leaders in a Time of Pandemic

Pastors and church leaders around the world are trying to shepherd local congregations through the pandemic created by Covid-19. Many principles must be considered in order to do this well. … More

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Vigorous Dissent May Be Necessary for the Good of the SBC

In the last week or so, releases from Baptist Press made their way around the SBC community. On Feb 5, an article was released in the form of a Q&A from … More

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Resolution – God’s Good Hierarchical Design

The worldview du jour is flat. Rank and order are suspect, authority is tyranny. The autonomous self reigns, having no responsibility for anyone else and no need of submitting to … More

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SBC2020: Rescind Resolution 9

Over the last several months I have had hundreds of exchanges with Southern Baptists who are deeply concerned about the direction of the SBC generally and things going on inside … More

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Revisiting Revoice: Same-Sex Attraction in Redemption

This article is part 4 of a 5-part series entitled Revisiting Revoice Another way of calling into question whether or not SSA is morally culpable sin is by re-envisioning how … More

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Revisiting Revoice: Same-Sex Attraction in the Fall

This article is part 3 of a 5-part series entitled Revisiting Revoice Once upon a time, it may have been enough for someone to say that homosexuality is sin, and … More

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Revisiting Revoice: Same-Sex Attraction in Creation

This article is part 2 of a 5-part series entitled Revisiting Revoice According to Genesis 1:31, when God finished creating everything in just six days, “God saw all that He … More

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Revisiting Revoice: The Need For This Discussion

This article is part 1 of a 5-part series entitled Revisiting Revoice Danny Akin’s recent hiring of Karen Swallow Prior at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary sparked newfound concern regarding Prior’s … More

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Brave Heart and the Great White Shark

About one year ago, in January of 2019, I went to South Africa to preach at two pastors’ conferences, one in Pretoria and the other in Cape Town. Sharing preaching … More

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