Of Red Dresses, Feminism, and Cage-Stage-Patriarchy

I think I coined the phrase “cage-stage-patriarchy” recently to describe some of the less than stellar commentary being offered on social media about the authority that God has given husbands over their wives. The phrase suggests that those who, having recently discovered the biblical teachings on patriarchy, are so indelicate in handling the truth that […]

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An Update from A Pirate Who Couldn’t Do Anything

A few years ago Alan Nelson used a phrase that briefly set SBC Twitter ablaze.  He wrote, “take the ship” and ol’ Dave Miller, who suffers from a debilitating case of thalassoharpaxophobia fell on his fainting couch moaning.  The Guinea hens that circle his website heard the commotion and sounded the alarm.  And thus a […]

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ERLC Trustee Justin Sampler Claims Widespread Abuse Cover-Up is Implausible; Implies Fellow Trustees Are “Lying”

Editor’s Note: Since the documentation is so important to the piece below we are going to include links to referenced content within parenthesis following the relevant items. Please read the piece thoughtfully and click the links to see the supporting information. Justin Sampler, pastor of First Baptist Church, Inola, Oklahoma and doctoral student at the […]

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On Waiving Attorney-Client Privilege

A current hot-button issue among Southern Baptists is the task force created to oversee an independent investigation into the handling of sexual abuse allegations by the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee. We reached out to a faithful brother who is an attorney to ask about the ramifications of the investigating bodies’ request that the Executive […]

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Adam Greenway: “Anonymous Social Media Accounts” Sound Off on Litton

During Ed Litton’s appearance at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s Chapel he sat down for a conversation with Seminary President Adam Greenway. In one segment of the conversation President Greenway references his own announcement of Litton’s appearance and makes reference to “anonymous social media accounts” posting “snark” in reply.  You can see the clip in this […]

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If the Pirates Leave, Only the Parrots Remain

You’re tired of pirate analogies? Me too. But the continued drifting of the Southern Baptist Convention since Nashville has only served to, now more than ever, call faithful Christians to stand for integrity and truth. Recently I’ve seen threads by men like Pastor Jimmy Scroggins that seem to imply that the real problem in the […]

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If the Pirates Leave, Only the Parrots Remain

You’re tired of pirate analogies? Me too. But the continued drifting of the Southern Baptist Convention since Nashville has only served to, now more than ever, call faithful Christians to stand for integrity and truth. Recently I’ve seen threads by men like Pastor Jimmy Scroggins that seem to imply that the real problem in the […]

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Do you Desire Repentance or Revenge?

“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in […]

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Kyle Whitt Goes on the Record with Significant & Specific Concerns about NAMB

Kyle Whitt has released a video with several specific and distressing claims about the doctrinal fidelity and inner workings of the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board discovered during his two years working to plant a church in Washington state. From Whitt’s Reddit post: For the past two years I’ve been working with NAMB […]

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Upcoming SBC Presidential Candidate Interviews

It’s been a while since we released an episode of our podcast so I thought I would drop in to tell you about some upcoming episodes we hope you find helpful. The CR:V site is SBC-facing and as you likely know the Southern Baptist Convention’s Annual Meeting is coming up.  This year we have four […]

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PragNAMBtism: Dr. Ezell’s position on Women Pastors in SBC Church Plants

*At the time of this posting Echo Church is still listed as a NAMB church plant with a female teaching pastor.  If the Southern Baptist Convention is going to see true reformation, the 11th Commandment has to end. For those unfamiliar with this rule, it is an unwritten agreement that you don’t talk publicly about […]

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NAMB Follow-Up | Current Church Website Profiles

Yesterday we released an article describing concerns over egalitarianism in NAMB church plants. Since then, the most frequent question we’ve received is whether or not these are current NAMB churches. Each of these churches was verified on the NAMB church plant database prior to publication. Each church was re-verified today and that is documented below. […]

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Planting a Church with the North American Mission Board: What is it Like?

The recent news about North American Mission Board church plants identifying women in their congregation as pastors may have piqued your interest in what the process is like for those interested in planting. Some insight can be found on the Southern Baptist subreddit on Reddit.com in a thread named “Church planter in residence at an […]

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Time to Contact NAMB Trustees. Here’s How.

Southern Baptists are a great-commission people.  As a result, Southern Baptists are a church-planting people. Southern Baptist are also a confessional people who, as a result, have real clarity on what the important terms “church” and “pastor” mean according to Scripture.  This clarity allows Southern Baptists to accomplish what they intend in church planting, namely […]

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SBC Executive Committee ERLC Task Force Releases Investigation Report

Approximately one year ago the Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee formed a task force to “review the past and present activities” of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC). The Baptist Press reporting on the Task Force’s formation is a helpful refresher: The Executive Committee action comes in response to “ongoing concerns” cited by EC […]

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An Open Letter to the Southwestern Seminary and Scarborough College Family (Adam Greenway)

In this open letter, Adam W. Greenway, President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, addresses recent controversy surrounding a recent statement from the Council of Seminary Presidents.
The post An Open Letter to the Southwestern Seminary and…

“Liberals Are Very Good at Capturing Institutions. They’re Very Poor at Creating Institutions.”

Aaron Ren has released an episode of his podcast, The Masculinist, with critical insights for those interested in learning lessons for today from church history.  The focus of the episode is the battle for conservative theology within the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. The quote in the title of this post can be found around […]

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Will Southern Baptists practice biblical conservatism or acceptable progressivism? (Ronnie Floyd)

In this article from Ronnie Floyd’s Advancing the Vision series, Floyd writes, “The future is not in having cultural conversations apart from the Bible. This will always lead to division. Southern Baptist pastors, leaders, and churches need…
