A Picture Worth A Thousand Words: The Beauty of Believer’s Baptism

In Romans 6:1-14, the Apostle Paul gives Christians, among other things, one of the purposes of believer’s baptism. This blessed ordinance of our Lord Jesus Christ is a beautiful picture worth a thousand words! While much ink has been spilled over the mode, subject, and purpose of baptism, let me give you three simple, yet […]

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An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 22

Introduction Having previously considered the sinfulness of the state in which man fell, we now consider the misery of that state. The Baptist Catechism, Question #22 Q. 22. What is the misery of that estate whereinto man fell? A. 22. All mankind by their fall lost communion with God,⁠¹⁠ are under his wrath and curse,⁠²⁠ […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 21

*For other installments from this series, see here. Introduction In previous installments, we considered the relationship God had with Adam in the garden, Adam’s breaking of the covenant, the fact that Adam represented his natural seed, and the state in which Adam’s sin brought man into. The next question focuses on the sinfulness of that […]

Why Christianity is Necessary in the Public Square: Reflecting on the Church’s Responsibility

*Note: Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this series can be accessed here (insert links to articles). During the first half of the twentieth century, few Christian figures were more active in contending for the faith than J. Gresham Machen (Jude 1:3).[1] When confronted with the face of theological liberalism in the Presbyterian Church […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Questions 19 and 20

Introduction Last time we left off talking about sin. Namely, whether our first parents sinned, the definition of sin, and the nature of that sin our first parents committed. Now we begin to look into the effects of the preliminary sin committed by our first parents. This will take up a few articles, including this […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 16-18

Introduction In the last article, we considered the covenant made with Adam. In the next few articles, we will consider how Adam broke that covenant, in addition to reflecting on the effects it had upon the world and his natural offspring. Body Question 16 Q. 16. Did our first parents continue in the estate wherein […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question

Introduction Generally speaking, God providentially preserves and governs all that He has made. In a particular way, however, God has providentially condescended and entered into covenantal relationships with human beings to establish and regulate kingdoms. The first covenantal arrangement between God and man is the subject we will consider in this installment. Question Q. 15. […]

Examining Dispensationalism’s Two-Rapture Theory

Just over two years ago, I began the Dismantling Dispensationalism series with the intent of highlighting problematic distinctives of Dispensationalism. In the opening article, I forecasted the series to be divided into the following nine installments-  Part 1- “Dismantling Dispensationalism: My Journey Out of Dispensationalism” Part 2- “Dismantling Dispensationalism: Examining the Historical Origins of Dispensationalism” Part 3- […]

Examining Dispensationalism’s Defunct Covenant Theology: The New Covenant

This article will analyze the New Covenant, as understood within Dispensational and Particular Baptist theological frameworks. In keeping with the pattern of this section of the Dismantling Dispensationalism series, each of the three main classifications of Dispensationalism will be categorized with the primary source that corresponds thereto. Moreover, relevant citations from a Particular Baptist (1689 […]

Examining Dispensationalism’s Defunct Covenant Theology: The Davidic Covenant

This article will examine the Davidic Covenant, as understood within Dispensational and Particular Baptist theological frameworks. In keeping with the pattern of this section of the Dismantling Dispensationalism series, each of the three main classifications of Dispensationalism will be categorized with the primary source that corresponds thereto. Moreover, relevant citations from a Particular Baptist (1689 […]

Examining Dispensationalism’s Defunct Covenant Theology: The Mosaic (Old) Covenant

This article will canvass the Mosaic Covenant, as understood within Dispensational and Particular Baptist theological frameworks. In keeping with the pattern of this section of the Dismantling Dispensationalism series, each of the three main classifications of Dispensationalism will be categorized with the primary source that corresponds thereto. Moreover, germane citations from a Particular Baptist (1689 […]

Created for Communion: A Primer on Man’s Sabbath Rest in the Triune God — Part 3

*Note: This is the third installment in a three-part series. You can access part one (link to article) and part two (link to article) on the Covenant Confessions blog. Premises 3 and 4: Moreover, God has transcribed His moral law upon the hearts of every human being, leaving man without excuse to abide by the […]

Created for Communion: A Primer on Man’s Sabbath Rest in the Triune God — Part 2

*Note: This is the second installment in a three-part series. You can access the previous article here. Premises 1 and 2: As a natural law, the Sabbath pattern[1] is universally binding throughout every generation of human history. From the outset of creation, God sanctified one day to be reserved for resting from weekly labor and […]

Created for Communion: A Primer on Man’s Sabbath Rest in the Triune God — Part 1

*Note: This is the first installment in a three-part series. You can access each subsequent article as they are released on the Covenant Confessions blog. Throughout the history of the Western world, few philosophers have managed to define the meaning of human life as succinctly as Saint Augustine. In the opening remarks contained in his […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 7

Introduction It has been some time since we considered the Baptist Catechism and the Scriptural truths it states and orders simply and memorably. We ended with the sixth question that set the stage for questions 7-86. Q. 6. What are the Holy Scriptures mainly about? A. 6. The Holy Scriptures are mainly about what man […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 4

Introduction The last question we answered told us how we know there is a God. We know there is a God because the light of nature in man and the works of God plainly declare there is a God, but His Word and Spirit only do it fully and effectually for the salvation of sinners. […]

Understanding the Origins, Development, and Trustworthiness of the New Testament Canon: Part 5

See part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4. As we draw this series to a conclusion, we will consider the pastoral and contemporary relevance for properly understanding the origins, development, and trustworthiness of the New Testament canon.[1] The objective of this series was to demonstrate that the New Testament canon was a concept firmly entrenched in […]

Examining Dispensationalism’s Defunct Covenant Theology: The Abrahamic Covenant

This article will analyze how the Abrahamic Covenant is understood within the Dispensational and Particular Baptist theological frameworks. In keeping with the observable pattern of this portion of the Dismantling Dispensationalism series, each of the three main classifications of Dispensationalism will be categorized with the primary source that corresponds to that respective classification. Furthermore, relevant […]

Examining Dispensationalism’s Defunct Covenant Theology: The Noahic Covenant

This article will assess how the Noahic Covenant is understood within the Dispensational and Particular Baptist theological frameworks. In keeping with the previous article of this section of the Dismantling Dispensationalism series,[1] each of the three main classifications of Dispensationalism will be categorized with the primary source that corresponds to that respective classification. Furthermore, relevant […]

Examining Dispensationalism’s Defunct Covenant Theology- A Rejection of the Covenants of Redemption, Works, and Grace

This article will embark upon a critical analysis of Dispensationalism’s aversion to the covenants of redemption, works, and grace. As will be seen below, each of the three main classifications of Dispensationalism will be categorized with the primary source that corresponds to that respective classification. This organizational methodology aims to share pertinent excerpts from the […]

Examining Dispensationalism’s Defunct Covenant Theology- Recognizing the Importance of the Covenants of Redemption, Works, and Grace

Before delving into a consideration of the defunct covenant theology of Dispensationalism, it is necessary to ensure that the reader is aware of how the term “covenant” will be used throughout this section of articles. There has been no shortage of ink spilled throughout church history by theologians striving to offer the most precise definition […]

Examining Dispensationalism’s Defunct Covenant Theology- Introducing the Issues

The pupil of Scripture must understand many important themes and concepts if they are to rightly divide the word of truth and adhere to the faith that has been once for all handed down to the saints (2 Tim. 2:15; Jude 1:3). Regardless of whether a self-identifying Christian is familiar with the technical language, some […]

Dismantling Dispensationalism: It Has No Concept of the Law/Gospel Distinction in Scripture

See article one here, article two here, and article three here. Critique #3- Dispensationalism Has No Concept of the Law/Gospel Distinction in Scripture  By way of drawing this article to a conclusion, the third and final critique of Dispensationalism’s approach to interpreting Scripture will center upon its non-existent conception of the Law/Gospel distinction.[1] Due to Dispensationalism’s refusal […]

Dismantling Dispensationalism: It is Inconsistent on Sensus Plenior and New Testament Interpretave Priority

See article one here and article two here. Critique #2- Dispensationalism’s Inconsistency on Sensus Plenior and New Testament Interpretive Priority  A survey of the New Testament’s use of the Old Testament reveals at least two essential distinctives about the hermeneutic of Scripture. First, it can be observed from the New Testament that there are several occasions in which […]
