False Doctrines of 2 of the churches that claim to be “Apostolic”

Two excellent series by Dr. Jordan Cooper, a Lutheran minister. As a committed Protestant, Evangelical, Reformed Baptist, I agree with him on these issues. Excellent analaysis. I am making my own comments here and there, but please listen to Dr. … Continue reading

An Eastern Orthodox Perspective on Roman Catholicism and on Protestant Faith

Originally posted on Apologetics and Agape:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_s9Rcsg5UI&t=305s And also, in this post, I will address Archpriest Josiah Trenham – his EO perspective on Evangelical Protestant Faith The first video (above) by Dr. Ryan Reeves gives a good overview of the…

Praying to dead saints, icons, relics

Most of Jordan Cooper’s videos are very good (I just disagree with him on Baptism and his views against Reformed theology, but on other historical theology and church history issues, and justification by faith alone, he is great!) Especially this … Continue reading

Historical Developments that slowly led to the eclipsing of the doctrine of justification by faith alone

I wrote an article on this years ago (2012) at James Swan’s blog, “Beggar’s All Reformation and Apologetics”. You can see the old article there. I have updated and edited this here. Anthony Rogers excellent recent presentation on Sola Fide … Continue reading

Discussion on Allan Ruhl’s channel about Protestant Faith vs. Roman Catholic Faith

I want to thank Allan Ruhl for having me on his You Tube channel. The sound quality was not good at times, but hopefully, Lord willing, we can do more of these in the future. Basically, I mentioned the major … Continue reading

“Christ’s incarnation sanctified matter”?

Can physical matter (water, bread, relics, icons, statues, rituals, pilgrimages) cause regeneration or increase in sanctifying grace to come into our souls? My comments here are responses to Jay Dyer’s Response to Vocab Malone’s criticism of Eastern Orthodoxy and Chrismation. … Continue reading

Physical water does not cleanse the soul

In Roman Catholic Apologetics, (and also Eastern Orthodoxy), in defending “Baptismal Regeneration”, a lot is made of Justin Martyr’s section on baptism in his First Apology, 61. My friend Rod Bennett made a lot of his argument on that in … Continue reading
