Abortion and Our Lost Our Ability to Reason Morally

The inability or unwillingness of Christians to employ rigorous, biblical, moral reasoning to address public attacks on God and Scripture over the last few years has been as stunning as … More

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Statement from Southern Baptists Nominating Tom Ascol and Voddie Baucham

This a statement from Southern Baptists nominating Tom Ascol and Voddie Baucham We, concerned Southern Baptists of differing geographical, theological and vocational perspectives, in one voice nominate Pastor Tom Ascol … More

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Bindergate: An Appeal for Honesty and Integrity in the SBC

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has a new scandal to add to its tragically growing list. Let’s call this one “bindergate,” because a black notebook binder with a red and … More

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Reassembling the Wreckage of Religious Freedom: Why Now *Is* The Time For Urging Liberty of Conscience and Supporting Those Seeking Religious Exemptions

Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord … More

The post Reassembling the Wreckage of Religious Freedom: Why Now *Is* The Time For Urging Liberty of Conscience and Supporting Those Seeking Religious Exemptions appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Ed Litton, Southern Baptist Leaders, and Judgment Day Honesty: A Call for Accountability and Action by Southern Baptist Churches

The eighteenth-century writer, Samuel Johnson, once quipped, “Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.” Though, to … More

The post Ed Litton, Southern Baptist Leaders, and Judgment Day Honesty: A Call for Accountability and Action by Southern Baptist Churches appeared first on Founders Ministries.

How SBC Churches May Discriminately Support Convention Causes

The Cooperative Program (CP) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is an ingenuous mechanism for supporting convention causes. As churches make financial contributions through the CP those funds are combined … More

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The 2021 Southern Baptist Convention: What Just Happened?

Several things happened at #SBC21 and many, if not most, of them are deeply concerning to grassroots Southern Baptists who love Christ, fear God, tremble at His Word, and want … More

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The 2021 Southern Baptist Convention: What Just Happened?

Several things happened at #SBC21 and many, if not most, of them are deeply concerning to grassroots Southern Baptists who love Christ, fear God, tremble at His Word, and want … More

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Inerrancy, Pragmatism, and Why I am Voting for Mike Stone for President of the SBC

I have been asked this question numerous times over the last few months. Usually it is attached to another question like this, “Since Al Mohler shares your reformed theology, why … More

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Russell Moore and the Canaanization of the SBC

Regrettably, Russell Moore’s departure from the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has come with public scandal. Moore has written a letter to his … More

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Abortion and the Misshaped Conscience of Southern Baptists

In 1974, one year after the United States Supreme Court created a law to legalize abortion on demand in the Roe v Wade case, the pop rock duo, Jim Seals … More

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Complementarianism is Not the Problem

I hate every form of abuse. Whether it be the father who uses harsh words with his wife or children; the mother who slaps her child; the husband who physically … More

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