Why Christianity is Necessary in the Public Square: Solidifying Ethical Standards in Society

Note: Parts 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this series. Barring anything unforeseen, the United States of America was forever changed on June 26, 2015. In the wake of Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court formally legislated every state to license marriages between same-sex couples, and to recognize all marriages that were lawfully performed out of state.[1] […]

Moral Absolutes, the Law of God, and the Imago Dei 

This series is titled: Praise God for Christianity: No Intellectual Progress Without It! Part 1 can be found here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here, and Part 4 here. If there ever was a time in human history to believe in the existence of an unchanging and absolute standard of human morality (“moral absolutes”), the twenty first century is […]

Created for Communion: A Primer on Man’s Sabbath Rest in the Triune God — Part 3

*Note: This is the third installment in a three-part series. You can access part one (link to article) and part two (link to article) on the Covenant Confessions blog. Premises 3 and 4: Moreover, God has transcribed His moral law upon the hearts of every human being, leaving man without excuse to abide by the […]

Created for Communion: A Primer on Man’s Sabbath Rest in the Triune God — Part 2

*Note: This is the second installment in a three-part series. You can access the previous article here. Premises 1 and 2: As a natural law, the Sabbath pattern[1] is universally binding throughout every generation of human history. From the outset of creation, God sanctified one day to be reserved for resting from weekly labor and […]

Created for Communion: A Primer on Man’s Sabbath Rest in the Triune God — Part 1

*Note: This is the first installment in a three-part series. You can access each subsequent article as they are released on the Covenant Confessions blog. Throughout the history of the Western world, few philosophers have managed to define the meaning of human life as succinctly as Saint Augustine. In the opening remarks contained in his […]

Book Review: Conscience and Its Enemies: Confronting the Dogmas of Liberal Secularism

Introduction Robert P. George is regarded as one of the greatest intellects of the twenty-first century. From popular-level organizations such as the New York Times to representatives of the most prestigious academic institutions in the world, the overwhelming consensus is that Robert P. George is sui generis.[1] During his time as a student, George amassed […]

Abortion and the Misshaped Conscience of Southern Baptists

In 1974, one year after the United States Supreme Court created a law to legalize abortion on demand in the Roe v Wade case, the pop rock duo, Jim Seals … More

The post Abortion and the Misshaped Conscience of Southern Baptists appeared first on Founders Ministries.
