Response to Joshua Charles on Protestantism, Baptism, and Roman Catholicism

Joshua Charles thinks that disagreements over baptism, the Lord’s supper, and church government are a problem for Protestants. Also, everyone cannot be a scholar. That is true, but that seems to be a smoke-screen for “just trust us” (the Roman … Continue reading

The Psychology of Catholic Converts Examined (and Eastern Orthodox)

This is an excellent examination of some of the aspects of what drives Evangelical Protestants to convert to Roman Catholicism (and I would add that conversions to EO have similar aspects.) The quotes by Raymond Brown are especially enlightening. Be … Continue reading

The Psychology of Catholic Converts Examined (and Eastern Orthodox)

This is an excellent examination of some of the aspects of what drives Evangelical Protestants to convert to Roman Catholicism (and I would add that conversions to EO have similar aspects.) The quotes by Raymond Brown are especially enlightening. Be … Continue reading

An Eastern Orthodox Perspective on Roman Catholicism and on Protestant Faith

Originally posted on Apologetics and Agape: And also, in this post, I will address Archpriest Josiah Trenham – his EO perspective on Evangelical Protestant Faith The first video (above) by Dr. Ryan Reeves gives a good overview of the…

Sneak preview of Rod Bennett’s upcoming book, “Four More Witnesses”

My Roman Catholic friend Rod Bennett, gave a sneak pre-view of his upcoming book, “Four More Witnesses”. (in the 2nd half of Gary Michuta’s podcast.) Somehow I stumbled upon this – It bears repeating that I still love Rod … Continue reading

“Christ’s incarnation sanctified matter”?

Can physical matter (water, bread, relics, icons, statues, rituals, pilgrimages) cause regeneration or increase in sanctifying grace to come into our souls? My comments here are responses to Jay Dyer’s Response to Vocab Malone’s criticism of Eastern Orthodoxy and Chrismation. … Continue reading
