Peters, Osman, and Rosebrough Critiquing Deliverance Ministries
In this video, Justin Peters, Jim Osman, and Chris Rosebrough take a look into the modern Deliverance Ministry movement and the teachings of those involved such as Alexander Pagani, Isaiah Saldivar, and Kathryn Krick.
A Discussion on Modern Prophecy
Over at the G3 Podcast, Scott Aniol, Josh Buice, and Virgil Walker discuss the danger of modern day prophecy:
The Mark Driscoll Incident
I am sure by now you have heard about Mark Driscoll, former pastor of Mars Hill Church, being kicked off the stage at a men’s conference for calling out the “Jezabel” spirit that was in the midst of the men attending. The conference began with the male…
The Mark Driscoll Incident
I am sure by now you have heard about Mark Driscoll, former pastor of Mars Hill Church, being kicked off the stage at a men’s conference for calling out the “Jezabel” spirit that was in the midst of the men attending. The conference began with the male…
2 Response Videos from Steven Kozar on the Roundtable Discussion
Over at The Messed Up Church YouTube channel, Steven Kozar has produced two response videos in regards the Roundtable Discussion between Sam Storm, Michael Brown, Jim Osman, and Justin Peters.This first video is regarding a “prophecy” about the weather…
The Gateway Drug into Bethel’s Theology
Why are Christians urging their fellow brothers and sisters to stay away from Bethel music even if the song is doctrinally sound? That is how they hook you into listening into their teaching and embracing their theology.Consider these words from the ar…
What is King James Onlyism?
The King James Version (KJV) has been around for over 400 years and is still used by many Christians in the church today. Granted, it is not used by many young people unless you find one that loves it for its poetic style, which I have met a teenager w…
Former Catholic on the False Gospel of Catholicism
Mike Gendron, a former Catholic Church member, preaching on what Catholicism teaches how one must be saved.
Don’t Let Them In
The Twilight series was an interesting take on the vampire genre. Yes, the books are for the heartless romantic that produced five movies which were hits at the box office even though they also received a few Razzies, which are the Oscars for bad movie…
Book Review: The Enneagram Goes to Church by Todd Wilson
The Bible says, “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, and not according to Christ” (Colossians 2:8, LSB). The church for …
Justin Peters Interviews Former Word of Faith Preacher, John Samson
John Samson, pastor of King’s Church in Peoria, AZ , was a Word of Faith preach until God delivered him from that false teaching and embraced the Biblical Gospel. In this video, Justin Peters interviews him about his time in that movement.
Truth Never Changes, Heresy Does
Truth never changes with the times, but heresy always does. In fact, heresy’s sublety is seen most clearly in the ever-shifting tides of change. The church is threatened by some grave error until a defense is finally mounted, and the threat is defeated…
Time to Drain The Charismatic Swamp
If there is one thing that 2020 has done, it has exposed the false prophets that are plaguing the church. There are many who said 2020 was going to a year of prosperity yet not of them saw COVID-19 happen nor the riots. As we await the final word on th…
For the Love of God and Man
When Paul called the elders of Ephesus to meet him at Miletus for a final opportunity of fellowship and instruction, he warned them of serious problems that would emerge in … More
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