Of Red Dresses, Feminism, and Cage-Stage-Patriarchy

I think I coined the phrase “cage-stage-patriarchy” recently to describe some of the less than stellar commentary being offered on social media about the authority that God has given husbands over their wives. The phrase suggests that those who, having recently discovered the biblical teachings on patriarchy, are so indelicate in handling the truth that […]

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Reforming Sexuality? Gender, Leadership and the Bible in the Controversy Between John Knox & Queen Mary

“My people infants are their oppressors, and women rule over them.” Isaiah 3:12 Starting decades ago, many, especially in the universities, have lost faith in the Western civilization narrative. While this is not necessarily a new phenomenon, few have been the voices in the academia wanting to explore the possible reasons that led to such […]

The post Reforming Sexuality? Gender, Leadership and the Bible in the Controversy Between John Knox & Queen Mary appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Reforming Sexuality? Gender, Leadership and the Bible in the Controversy Between John Knox & Queen Mary

“My people infants are their oppressors, and women rule over them.” Isaiah 3:12 Starting decades ago, many, especially in the universities, have lost faith in the Western civilization narrative. While this is not necessarily a new phenomenon, few have been the voices in the academia wanting to explore the possible reasons that led to such […]

The post Reforming Sexuality? Gender, Leadership and the Bible in the Controversy Between John Knox & Queen Mary appeared first on Founders Ministries.

The Intersectional Sensibility

In the aftermath of the 2019 Southern Baptist Convention, it has become apparent that Resolution 9 “On Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality” was briskly moved through the resolution and voting … More

The post The Intersectional Sensibility appeared first on Founders Ministries.
