Self-Control and the Fruit of the Spirit

Devotion We live in a world dominated by hedonism: the ideology insisting that pleasure and/or happiness is the chief good in life. To be sure, hedonism “sells” to sinners navigating through a fallen world (James 1:14). In a created order full of turmoil, adversity, and hardships, it undoubtedly appeals to the human senses to prescribe […]

Faithfulness and the Fruit of the Spirit

Devotion You and I are liars by nature (Psalm 116:11; Romans 3:4). How’s that for an introductory statement? Although it may not be a “politically correct” or popular accusation to make, there are few characterizations that are more accurate in describing sinful humanity. Lying and deceit have been fundamental traits of Satan and his legion […]

Kindness, Gentleness and the Fruit of the Spirit

Devotion When examining the nine fruit of the Holy Spirit cited in Galatians 5:22-23, kindness and gentleness may receive the least amount of study and discussion. Myriads of books, songs and sermons have been produced on God’s love, goodness and faithfulness. When listening to a Christian share their testimony, it is likely they will reference […]
