The Message of Hurricane Ian

The Bible speaks a lot about the weather. And in every instance, the message is the same: God is the one who is in control of the weather. Rain, snow, hail, sun, wind, thunder, lightning—they are all His instruments, used for blessing, for judgment, and for declaring to the world that His power knows no […]

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Lessons from Hurricane Ian

On September 28, 2022, Hurricane Ian slammed the coast of Southwest Florida with a fury not seen in nearly a century. In the immediate aftermath, our county sheriff’s office reported hundreds of fatalities from the storm. Fortunately, those numbers were not confirmed, although currently, the death toll has risen to 60 in my county and […]

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Questioning the Kingdom? – Part 4: Two Kingdoms Theology

In this series, we have considered the nature of the kingdom of Christ, the fruit produced by that spiritual kingdom, and the priority of evangelism in all Christian cultural endeavors. … More

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Questioning the Kingdom? – Part 3: Gospel Centrality

The last two posts in this series wrestled with questions concerning the kingdom of God and the nature of Christian cultural engagement. But this conversation is fruitless if it stays … More

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Questioning the Kingdom? – Part 2: Cultural Transformation

In the previous installment, we considered that the kingdom of God consists in the spiritual reign of Christ over the world and over his people in the church. This kingdom … More

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