The Saving Design of God’s Common Grace

This article was originally posted in Issue 116 of the Founders Journal. Theologians frequently distinguish two species of divine grace in the Scriptures: saving grace and common grace. God directs the former particularly to the elect; God showers the latter indiscriminately on all men in general. Saving grace is, as its designation suggests, efficacious in […]

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Are God’s Justice and Mercy Incompatible?

In the book, The Impossibility of God,[1] the editors present five categories of arguments that they claim disprove God’s existence. One such claim asserts that “a contradiction between two or more of God’s attributes” renders God impossible, as follows: For instance, Theodore M. Drange argues that God as both an “all-just” and “all-merciful” judge cannot […]

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“How stingless death!”: Surveying a Baptist Interpretation of 1 Corinthians 15:55

As Christian, the allegorical pilgrim, marched into the river, chest-deep and deeper, he rejoiced with a song: “O grave, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting?” This comes from the second part of the Pilgrim’s Progress, where John Bunyan (1628–1688) writes of the believer’s approach to death. When the pilgrim ends the […]

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Christ Has Been Raised from the Dead 

As marvelous as Jesus’ resurrection is, Christians often forget much of its significance. We often assume the resurrection, failing to think on it as deeply as we ought or to teach it as frequently as we should. That is why we must reflect on the significance of Jesus’ resurrection, not just on Easter, but all […]

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Crushed, Stricken, Victorious 

Trusting others presents massive challenges in our fallen world. Everyone has been corrupted by sin, and therefore fails to be fully faithful or trustworthy. As Proverbs 20:6 says, “Many a man proclaims his own loyalty, but who can find a trustworthy man?” While humans prove to be both distrustful and untrustworthy, God presents Himself as […]

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Within the Veil

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,and mortal life shall cease:I shall possess, within the veil,a life of joy and peace. John Newton’s Amazing Grace was originally titled “Faith’s Review and Expectation.” By faith and in the power of the Holy Spirit, Newton “reviewed” his life to see it from the lens of reality: […]

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The Amazing Grace of God’s Providence

The Lord has promised good to me,  His word my hope secures;He will my shield and portion be  As long as life endures. When John Newton penned his classic hymn in 1772, first sung in January 1773, the autobiographical reflections of his life to that point were clearly at the forefront of his mind. He had experienced […]

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God’s Sustaining Grace

Through many dangers, toils, and snares,I have already come;’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,And grace will lead me home. “Amazing Grace,” or “Faith’s Review and Expectation,” appeared in “Olney Hymns” in 1779, six years after it was first sung in the parish church at Olney. It was number 41 in Book One, devoted […]

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The Grace of Fear

’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,  And grace my fears relieved;How precious did that grace appear  The hour I first believed! This second stanza of John Newton’s “Amazing Grace” provides Christians with a rich and subtle insight into the nature of God’s saving work in the lives of believers. The verses encourage us to consider […]

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Why Do You Sing That God’s Grace Is Amazing?

Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,  That saved a wretch; like me!I once was lost, but now am found,  Was blind, but now I see. Reflect on past mercies and consider future hopes so that you can sing in the present. This year is the 250th anniversary of the writing of the hymn Amazing Grace so a […]

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Charles Spurgeon’s Public Evangelism (Part 1)

This article is Part 1 in a series. Each local church plays a vital role in the great commission. Sadly, according to C. H. Spurgeon, the great commission has become the great omission. Spurgeon writes: The gospel command is so little obeyed that one would imagine that it ran thus, ‘Go into your own place […]

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Christian Nations and the Aim of Missions

Imagine the following statement being made from the pulpit of your church by a guest speaker: “Our mission is to make this nation a Christian nation.” What is your reflexive reaction in this hypothetical situation? Perhaps you have noticed the lack of context in this thought experiment. Regardless of what context you may have added […]

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Christian Nations and the Aim of Missions

Imagine the following statement being made from the pulpit of your church by a guest speaker: “Our mission is to make this nation a Christian nation.” What is your reflexive reaction in this hypothetical situation? Perhaps you have noticed the lack of context in this thought experiment. Regardless of what context you may have added […]

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The Practical Use of Justification in Spiritual Warfare

The doctrine of justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone is so precious to us. As a quick reminder, justification is: Justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone is why the gospel is good news. It is at the very heart of what Christ has done for His people. […]

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The Form of God Who Took Our Form

Forsaken, hated, and despised A child of wrath, no hope, forlorn, Cast down by sin, by anger torn Our hopelessness was not disguised. Who can reverse this solemn state? Who can turn sour into sweet? Who can our mortal trespass meet? Who can our crooked souls set straight? A Scandal! God breathed human air; Unjust […]

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