An Unusual Monday Morning Dividing Line

Covered a wide range today, from insanity in Germany, more and more studies showing the danger of the Covid jabs, the Biden Regime’s war on Christians, a few interesting graphics I’ve run across, to finally in the last half of the program, a brief video from Barth Ehrman showing his theological shallowness and the reasons thereof. Also mentioned once again […]

The post An Unusual Monday Morning Dividing Line appeared first on Alpha and Omega Ministries.

Anthony Rogers You Tube Channel Great material there at Anthony Roger’s You Tube Channel. Anthony defends the Scriptures, the Reformation, Sola Fide, Sola Scriptura, answers apologetic issues against Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Islam, Unitarianism and other issues.  I wish I had time to listen to … Continue reading

Thoughts on Thanksgiving, the History of the USA, and Biblical foundations for society

Some Thoughts on Thanksgiving, the History of the USA, and Biblical foundations for society: It is a basic human problem (and sin) to look to celebrities and famous people and attractive people and gifted people. (Hollywood stars, singers, celebrities, popularity; … Continue reading

Reformation, Missions, & Church History

(Photo of ancient church ruins in Philadelphia of Revelation 3:7-13 & a Mosque in between) Even Philadelphia eventually left it’s first love. (see Rev. 2:4-5) The ruins of columns of an ancient Byzantine church in the ancient city of Philadelphia, now … Continue reading

The Afghan Taliban and The American Secularists

You wouldn’t expect it, things normally being clearer up close, but the human race has a knack for seeing idolatry at a distance. Show us idolatry over yonder and we … More

The post The Afghan Taliban and The American Secularists appeared first on Founders Ministries.

The Afghan Taliban and The American Secularists

You wouldn’t expect it, things normally being clearer up close, but the human race has a knack for seeing idolatry at a distance. Show us idolatry over yonder and we … More

The post The Afghan Taliban and The American Secularists appeared first on Founders Ministries.
