What Should We Think about the Attack on Israel by Hamas?

What Hamas needs is Jesus Christ. That is exactly what Israel needs. It is what every Muslim, Jew, and Gentile needs. The only hope for the world is our crucified, risen Savior. You will have opportunities to speak of Christ as this war continues. Do not miss them. Pray for wisdom and boldness to make the gospel known.

The post What Should We Think about the Attack on Israel by Hamas? appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Dismantling Dispensationalism: Examining the Historical Origins of Dispensationalism

Introduction   Dispensational theology is a nineteenth-century aberration away from historic, orthodox, Biblical Christianity. Undoubtedly, an introductory statement of this nature has already polarized some readers. Is this simply a pejorative statement made by an overzealous refugee of Dispensationalism? After all, on what basis can a 25-year-old make such a dogmatic claim about Dispensationalists, especially […]

Israel’s Old Testament Judicial Laws Can Help America

We need God’s law now more than ever. Our society has gone off the rails. Little girls dance nearly unclothed on Netflix, encouraged by those who monetize them. Meanwhile, legitimate … More

The post Israel’s Old Testament Judicial Laws Can Help America appeared first on Founders Ministries.
