Sproul on John 3:16 and the Ability to Choose God
The Bible teaches that we were predestined to be adopted into the family of God (Ephesians 1:5). Jesus says that whoever comes, He will not cast out (John 6:37). Considering these passages, we see that John 3:16 says that “whoever believes in Him (Jesu…
Christ is Our King and Priest
Yahweh says to my Lord:“Sit at My right handUntil I put Your enemies as a footstool for Your feet.”Yahweh will stretch forth Your strong scepter from Zion, saying,“Have dominion in the midst of Your enemies.”Your people will offer themselves freely in …
Christ Had To Be Incarnated
Without the incarnation, we could not be saved. It was the incarnate Christ who died on cross, rose from the dead, ascended into Heaven, and is now at God’s right hand making intercession for us… If Christ were not truly and fully man, we could …
Jesus Suffered What Justice Required
Christ underwent the punishment which, in the justice or judgment of God, was due to sin. That the justice of God did require that sin should be punished with a meet and due recompense of reward, we have proved already, and shall afterwards further con…
True Greatness
As Jesus approached His final week leading up to His crucifixion, He spoke plainly to His disciples about the events that were about to unfold in Jerusalem. He wanted them … More
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Foundations of Divine Justice
The exercise of this righteousness in God presupposes sundry things: The creation of all things, in their kind, order, state, and condition, by a free act of the will and power of God, regulated by his goodness and infinite wisdom: for our God does wha…
A Sacrifice to Satisfy Divine Justice
Man having sinned, the justice of God, as the supreme Lord, Ruler, and Governor over all, was violated thereby, and his law broken and disannulled. Every sin personally added to the first sin, which was the sin of our nature in Adam, does so far partak…