My Prayer for Governor DeSantis

A couple of months ago I preached through chapter 13 in my regular exposition of Romans at Grace Baptist Church where I serve as pastor. I had worked through verses 1-7 before but this time there was a great urgency in my study. In the wake of so many governmental missteps during the Covid pandemic […]

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The Afghan Taliban and The American Secularists

You wouldn’t expect it, things normally being clearer up close, but the human race has a knack for seeing idolatry at a distance. Show us idolatry over yonder and we … More

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The Afghan Taliban and The American Secularists

You wouldn’t expect it, things normally being clearer up close, but the human race has a knack for seeing idolatry at a distance. Show us idolatry over yonder and we … More

The post The Afghan Taliban and The American Secularists appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Your Citizenship Isn’t In America

American Christians, the presidential election shouldn’t make you forget your election in Christ. If you’re an American Christian, you might have been born by Americans, but you were born-again by … More

The post Your Citizenship Isn’t In America appeared first on Founders Ministries.
