Why We Rejoice Over the Supreme Court’s Dobbs Decision

In the providence of God, the Supreme Court’s decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization was handed down five days after I began an exposition of Romans 13:1-7. My … More

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Making a Statement: A Response to the New Statement on Justice, Repentance, and the SBC

I just read the new statement on Justice, Repentance, and the SBC (hereafter referred to as JRS) posted over at https://www.justicerepentancesbc.org on 12/18/2020. I’d like to offer several quick reactions. Included in these reactions is also my reaction to J.D. Greear’s statement on the JRS statement. I guess you’re reading a statement on statements that […]

The post Making a Statement: A Response to the New Statement on Justice, Repentance, and the SBC appeared first on Conservative Resurgence: Voices.

Cancel Culture And Christian Culture

Recently, the University of Pennsylvania announced they are removing George Whitefield’s statue from campus because of his racist words and his role in advocating for and participating in slavery. The … More

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Why Reformed Christians Are Vulnerable To Social Justice

Many young Christians didn’t learn how to understand justice from Scripture. So in college, they learned how to understand justice from culture. And now, they think injustice is justice. And … More

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Race and Racism in the Bible

Topic Definition The term “race” has been ambiguously employed since the inception of the word. It is employed only four times (in the biological rather than competitive sense) in the … More

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Does Systemic Racism Exist?

The conflict over slavery was: is it right or wrong? The conflict over segregation was: is it right or wrong? However, the conflict over systemic racism isn’t: is it right … More

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An Honest Question for Christians in Social Justice Movement

One of my fondest memories of an evangelistic conversation was with a young man at my gym named Metro—an ex-con and trash collector turned competitive bodybuilder. My friend “Met” is … More

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Home, Church, and State—God’s Good Gifts and Satan’s Evil Attacks

I believe in conspiracy theories. I think you should too, if you are a Bible believer. To be clear, I believe in one giant conspiracy theory standing behind every example … More

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God’s Word in Godless Times, or the Appearance of Godliness in Signaling Virtue

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their … More

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On the Prescription of Secular Analytical Tools

WHEREAS, Southern Baptist resolutions are traditionally and reasonably designed to either 1. give messengers their voice, enabling them to say what they’re already eager to say (e.g., in opposition to … More

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