Counseling One Another

As the church is more and more influenced by the standards of society, rather than the objective Word of God, this individualism and opposition to authority has become rampant even among professing Christians. The thought of other Christians interfering in our lives, especially admonishing us, would raise serious objections among many in our churches today.

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Do Denominational Confessions Compromise Local Church Autonomy? (What about Women Pastors?)

The Southern Baptist Convention is an associational structure of churches. Is purpose is to carry “into effect the benevolent intentions of our constituents, by organizing a plan for eliciting, combining, and directing the energies of the whole denomination in one sacred effort for the propagation of the gospel.” The assumption behind the union was that […]

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4 Responses Every Local Church Must Have to the Gospel

Romans 1:16 is central to the Book of Romans, central to the teaching of the New Testament, and central to the entirety of the Bible. Here we find the theme … More

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