Time to Contact NAMB Trustees. Here’s How.

Southern Baptists are a great-commission people.  As a result, Southern Baptists are a church-planting people. Southern Baptist are also a confessional people who, as a result, have real clarity on what the important terms “church” and “pastor” mean according to Scripture.  This clarity allows Southern Baptists to accomplish what they intend in church planting, namely […]

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Why the SBC Needs a Tent Revival

Just Keachy I suppose every post must start somewhere. This one begins in 1673 – the year Benjamin Keach decided to apply Matthew 26:30 tangibly to his church at Horsleydown in London. I suppose I should also mention Keach was Baptist before it was cool; before there was so much Great Commission™ money. This was before the […]

The post Why the SBC Needs a Tent Revival appeared first on Conservative Resurgence: Voices.

SBC Executive Committee ERLC Task Force Releases Investigation Report

Approximately one year ago the Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee formed a task force to “review the past and present activities” of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC). The Baptist Press reporting on the Task Force’s formation is a helpful refresher: The Executive Committee action comes in response to “ongoing concerns” cited by EC […]

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It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! An Encouragement to Give through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Why am I a Southern Baptist? I was born this way. I’m also a Baptist by conviction. And I’m a Southern Baptist because I’m a sucker for the Bible and missions. The Bible and missions. The Bible and missions. The Bible and missions. When I think about the Southern Baptist Convention, everything always comes back […]

The post It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! An Encouragement to Give through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering appeared first on Conservative Resurgence: Voices.

The Biblical Gospel in the Unbiblical Bible Belt

Bible Belt Ministry Our church assembles in a rural area on the outskirts of a military base—Fort Leonard Wood, MO. Our community is in the Bible belt, where Christianity is practiced nominally by numerous professing believers. Many have come to church, listened to a sermon, repeated a prayer during an altar call, and have left […]

Why So Nit-Picky About Defining the ‘Missionary Call’?

We should celebrate the fact that there are many avenues and means for participating in missions, especially as the world is becoming a very complex place for missionaries. One note … More

The post Why So Nit-Picky About Defining the ‘Missionary Call’? appeared first on Founders Ministries.
