Understanding the Origins, Development, and Trustworthiness of the New Testament Canon: Part 4

See part 1, part 2, and part 3. Thus far, in our efforts to understand the origins, development, and trustworthiness of the New Testament canon,[1] we have examined two key premises that refute the notion that Christians did not have a concept of the New Testament canon until the fourth century. In Article 2, we […]

Understanding the Origins, Development, and Trustworthiness of the New Testament Canon: Part 4

See part 1, part 2, and part 3. Thus far, in our efforts to understand the origins, development, and trustworthiness of the New Testament canon,[1] we have examined two key premises that refute the notion that Christians did not have a concept of the New Testament canon until the fourth century. In Article 2, we […]

Understanding the Origins, Development, and Trustworthiness of the New Testament Canon: Part 3

See Part 1 and Part 2. Up to this point in the series, we have examined how the canonicity of the New Testament writings are proven by garnering a proper understanding of God’s absolute sovereignty over created reality, in supplementation to apprehending the interconnectedness between the New Testament canon[1] and the redemptive-historical inauguration of the […]

Understanding the Origins, Development, and Trustworthiness of the New Testament Canon: Part 2

In keeping with the thesis delineated in this series’ introductory article, we will now turn our attention to unpacking the first premise contained therein: As decreed from eternity past, the canonicity of the New Testament writings was inextricably linked to the redemptive-historical inauguration of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ’s blood (Luke 22:20; 1 Cor. […]

Understanding the Origins, Development, and Trustworthiness of the New Testament Canon: Part 1

On what basis can the New Testament be trusted as the authoritative word of God (2 Pet. 1:2-3)?[1] After all, wasn’t it simply constructed by the most powerful political and religious leaders of the early fourth century?[2] How can we actually know that the New Testament encapsulates all the writings that God has desired for […]
