A Ministry of Defense

The church is under attack! This phrase is screamed from pulpits across America and has been repeated from generation to generation, acting as a battle cry to rally the troops into a spiritual war against the world. While I agree the church is under attack from the forces of Satan, I do not believe this is the only attack that threatens our churches.

The post A Ministry of Defense appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Is It a Waste of Time for Seminary Students (and Pastors) to Learn the Biblical Languages?

It’s that time of year again.
A wonderful new crop of seminary students has arrived here at RTS-Charlotte and they are in the middle of a grueling month-long experience of Summer Greek. And, like all seminary students before them, they will begin to …

Why Women Cannot Be Pastors of Christ’s Churches

(The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) convenes in Indianapolis June 11-12, 2024. The most significant vote that will be taken will be to ratify the “Law Amendment” into the constitution of the SBC. That amendment, which was passed last year by a super-majority, must be ratified again this year with two-thirds of the messengers voting for […]

The post Why Women Cannot Be Pastors of Christ’s Churches appeared first on Founders Ministries.

A Statement of Appreciation for Wayne Grudem

Recently I received the prayer letter from Wayne Grudem. He sends these out because he really wants the saints to join in prayer that Wayne’s calling, gifts, experience, and projects be owned of God for his glory and the leavening effect of his truth. The letter this week contained a prayer request to pray in […]

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Pastoral Reflections on a Pastor’s Hymn

There are not many events from the year 1773 that still affect our lives today. There are not many people who were around in 1773 that are still remembered today. But I can guarantee you that on any given Sunday, Christians in various churches around the world are singing a song written by an ordinary […]

The post Pastoral Reflections on a Pastor’s Hymn appeared first on Founders Ministries.

The Love of God in the Shepherding of Souls

The undeniable love of God for His people pours forth abundantly from the pages of Scripture. God really loves and cares for the good of the Church. One of the ways this shows itself is in His wise bestowment of godly pastors to His local churches (cf. Eph. 4:11).  Every Christian needs a pastor! And […]

The post The Love of God in the Shepherding of Souls appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Is It a Waste of Time for Seminary Students (and Pastors) to Learn the Biblical Languages?

It’s that time of year again.
A wonderful new crop of seminary students has arrived here at RTS-Charlotte and today they begin the grueling month-long experience of Summer Greek. And, like all seminary students before them, they will begin to ask the q…

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 21

*For other installments from this series, see here. Introduction In previous installments, we considered the relationship God had with Adam in the garden, Adam’s breaking of the covenant, the fact that Adam represented his natural seed, and the state in which Adam’s sin brought man into. The next question focuses on the sinfulness of that […]

Why Christianity is Necessary in the Public Square: Solidifying Ethical Standards in Society

Note: Parts 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this series. Barring anything unforeseen, the United States of America was forever changed on June 26, 2015. In the wake of Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court formally legislated every state to license marriages between same-sex couples, and to recognize all marriages that were lawfully performed out of state.[1] […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Questions 19 and 20

Introduction Last time we left off talking about sin. Namely, whether our first parents sinned, the definition of sin, and the nature of that sin our first parents committed. Now we begin to look into the effects of the preliminary sin committed by our first parents. This will take up a few articles, including this […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 16-18

Introduction In the last article, we considered the covenant made with Adam. In the next few articles, we will consider how Adam broke that covenant, in addition to reflecting on the effects it had upon the world and his natural offspring. Body Question 16 Q. 16. Did our first parents continue in the estate wherein […]

“Bully Pulpit” Wins Book of the Year

The Gospel Coalition released it’s annual Book of the Year Awards today, and I was so pleased to see that my new book, Bully Pulpit, won Book of the Year for the ministry category.
The reviewers wrote: “Michael Kruger’s Bully Pulpit confron…

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question

Introduction Generally speaking, God providentially preserves and governs all that He has made. In a particular way, however, God has providentially condescended and entered into covenantal relationships with human beings to establish and regulate kingdoms. The first covenantal arrangement between God and man is the subject we will consider in this installment. Question Q. 15. […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 12

Introduction In this article, we move from God’s internal act of decree to His first external act of creation. Specifically, we will consider creation in general, and next time, we will look at the creation of man. Question Q. 12. What is the work of creation? A. The work of creation is God making all […]

My New Book Is Here! Announcing the Release of “Bully Pulpit: Confronting the Problem of Spiritual Abuse in the Church”

I am pleased to announce the release of my new book, Bully Pulpit: Confronting the Problem of Spiritual Abuse in the Church!
Given that it is election day across our nation (Nov 8th), this may seem like a strange date for a book to be released. But sin…

5 Misconceptions about Spiritual Abuse: #5: “Talking About Spiritual Abuse Will Just Lead to False Accusations Against Pastors”

In anticipation of the Nov 8th release (note: it’s been bumped back a week!) of my new book, Bully Pulpit: Confronting the Problem of Spiritual Abuse in the Church, I am making my way through a 5-part blog series on misconceptions and misunderstandings…

5 Misconceptions about Spiritual Abuse: #4: “Spiritual Abuse Is Not As Harmful As Other Kinds of Abuse, So We Shouldn’t Worry Too Much About It”

In anticipation of the Nov 1st release of my new book, Bully Pulpit: Confronting the Problem of Spiritual Abuse in the Church, I am making my way through a 5-part blog series on misconceptions and misunderstandings of spiritual abuse. You can read prio…

5 Misconceptions about Spiritual Abuse: #3: “The Bible Doesn’t Talk about Spiritual Abuse–It’s Just a Modern Psychological Construct”

In anticipation of the Nov 1st release of my new book, Bully Pulpit: Confronting the Problem of Spiritual Abuse in the Church, I am making my way through a 5-part blog series on misconceptions and misunderstandings of spiritual abuse. You can read prio…
