Statement from Southern Baptists Nominating Tom Ascol and Voddie Baucham

This a statement from Southern Baptists nominating Tom Ascol and Voddie Baucham We, concerned Southern Baptists of differing geographical, theological and vocational perspectives, in one voice nominate Pastor Tom Ascol … More

The post Statement from Southern Baptists Nominating Tom Ascol and Voddie Baucham appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Ed Litton, Southern Baptist Leaders, and Judgment Day Honesty: A Call for Accountability and Action by Southern Baptist Churches

The eighteenth-century writer, Samuel Johnson, once quipped, “Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.” Though, to … More

The post Ed Litton, Southern Baptist Leaders, and Judgment Day Honesty: A Call for Accountability and Action by Southern Baptist Churches appeared first on Founders Ministries.

There Is No Peace

Southern Baptist elites—entity heads & those who, with them, exert major leadership in the convention—continue to operate in ways that disappoint and dispirit grass-roots Southern Baptist church members and those … More

The post There Is No Peace appeared first on Founders Ministries.

If the Pirates Leave, Only the Parrots Remain

You’re tired of pirate analogies? Me too. But the continued drifting of the Southern Baptist Convention since Nashville has only served to, now more than ever, call faithful Christians to stand for integrity and truth. Recently I’ve seen threads by men like Pastor Jimmy Scroggins that seem to imply that the real problem in the […]

The post If the Pirates Leave, Only the Parrots Remain appeared first on Conservative Resurgence: Voices.

If the Pirates Leave, Only the Parrots Remain

You’re tired of pirate analogies? Me too. But the continued drifting of the Southern Baptist Convention since Nashville has only served to, now more than ever, call faithful Christians to stand for integrity and truth. Recently I’ve seen threads by men like Pastor Jimmy Scroggins that seem to imply that the real problem in the […]

The post If the Pirates Leave, Only the Parrots Remain appeared first on Conservative Resurgence: Voices.
