The Sanctity of Life and the Privilege of Being Born

There is much talk in Pro-Life circles about the sanctity of life. That is, life is considered a sacred thing of inestimable worth. When we say that something is sacred, we are recognizing that it possesses a value that is not derived from itself. This is seen in our own nation’s founding documents with the …

The Sanctity of Life and the Privilege of Being Born Read More »

Why We Rejoice Over the Supreme Court’s Dobbs Decision

In the providence of God, the Supreme Court’s decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization was handed down five days after I began an exposition of Romans 13:1-7. My … More

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Abortion and Our Lost Our Ability to Reason Morally

The inability or unwillingness of Christians to employ rigorous, biblical, moral reasoning to address public attacks on God and Scripture over the last few years has been as stunning as … More

The post Abortion and Our Lost Our Ability to Reason Morally appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Pro-Life Evangelicals For Abortion?

If a pregnant woman promised to you she would donate money to poor children if you drove her to Planned Parenthood, would you do it? Would you enable her to … More

The post Pro-Life Evangelicals For Abortion? appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Abortion and the Misshaped Conscience of Southern Baptists

In 1974, one year after the United States Supreme Court created a law to legalize abortion on demand in the Roe v Wade case, the pop rock duo, Jim Seals … More

The post Abortion and the Misshaped Conscience of Southern Baptists appeared first on Founders Ministries.
