Mockery is not a Christian Virtue, then, the Carson/Huff Discussion

Last Road Trip DL for 2024 coming from Holbrook, Arizona this evening. Started off looking at Joel Webbon’s defense both of “anons” and using them to mock people “right off X,” naming Owen Strachan as an example. Then we discussed the encounter between Wes Huff, a Christian scholar and apologist, and Billy Carson, an Internet “influencer” of some kind, and […]

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Return Road Trip DL from the Middle of Nowhere

I am in western Oklahoma, just shy of the Texas panhandle, and I am truly in the middle of nowhere. But, we set up Starlink and got the job done! Pretty much went through a Twitter thread from a fellow named BG Apustaja and replied to his assertions about how I have become “unhinged,” which led to a discussion of […]

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