Spurgeon and the Sabbath: A Day of Joy

Charles Dickens utilized his pen to influence his readers’ opinions. In a Christmas Carol, he strikes out against the ill-treatment of the poor through stinginess. He prescribed for Scrooge’s spirit to be replaced with the love for the common man. In another work, Little Dorrit, Dickens turned threatening eyes upon a practice that stifles man’s […]

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Spurgeon and the Sabbath: The Surrey Music Hall Controversy

Imagine you are a member of a church that rents a theater for worship. Every Sunday morning you meet without incident. In fact, God has providentially used this location to reach the rich and the poor for the gospel. Thousands, who otherwise would have not heard an evangelical sermon, now sit under the preaching of […]

The post Spurgeon and the Sabbath: The Surrey Music Hall Controversy appeared first on Founders Ministries.
