The Saving Design of God’s Common Grace

This article was originally posted in Issue 116 of the Founders Journal. Theologians frequently distinguish two species of divine grace in the Scriptures: saving grace and common grace. God directs the former particularly to the elect; God showers the latter indiscriminately on all men in general. Saving grace is, as its designation suggests, efficacious in […]

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Are God’s Justice and Mercy Incompatible?

In the book, The Impossibility of God,[1] the editors present five categories of arguments that they claim disprove God’s existence. One such claim asserts that “a contradiction between two or more of God’s attributes” renders God impossible, as follows: For instance, Theodore M. Drange argues that God as both an “all-just” and “all-merciful” judge cannot […]

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A Biblical Defense of Christ’s Descent

Historically, various opinions and debates surrounding the doctrine of Christ’s descent has led to it being a neglected topic. Many Evangelical churches have given little attention to this important doctrine. While the descent is a credal line confessed in the Apostle’s and Athanasian Creeds, many believe it to be unbiblical; consequently, the line is removed.[1] However, […]

Why Does the Virgin Birth Matter? Our Savior Depends On It: Part 2

Note: Part 1 and Part 2 of this series. Passage of Focus: Galatians 4:4-5 (cf. Psalm 22:22-24) It has been well said that one of the central themes in Scripture could be summarized as follows: “God is redeeming a people by His Son, for His Son, to His own glory.”[1] When contemplating the totality of […]

Why Does the Virgin Birth Matter? Our Savior Depends On IT

Not: Part 1 of this series. Passage of Focus: Luke 1:26-38 (cf. Isaiah 9:6-7) Cur Deus Homo. Translation: “Why God Became Man.” Such a phrase encapsulates one of the greatest mysteries that has ever been pondered by mankind, and it serves as the title for one of the most significant theological works to ever be […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question

Introduction Generally speaking, God providentially preserves and governs all that He has made. In a particular way, however, God has providentially condescended and entered into covenantal relationships with human beings to establish and regulate kingdoms. The first covenantal arrangement between God and man is the subject we will consider in this installment. Question Q. 15. […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 12

Introduction In this article, we move from God’s internal act of decree to His first external act of creation. Specifically, we will consider creation in general, and next time, we will look at the creation of man. Question Q. 12. What is the work of creation? A. The work of creation is God making all […]

Examining Dispensationalism’s Two-Rapture Theory

Just over two years ago, I began the Dismantling Dispensationalism series with the intent of highlighting problematic distinctives of Dispensationalism. In the opening article, I forecasted the series to be divided into the following nine installments-  Part 1- “Dismantling Dispensationalism: My Journey Out of Dispensationalism” Part 2- “Dismantling Dispensationalism: Examining the Historical Origins of Dispensationalism” Part 3- […]

Yes, We Have All Quarreled with God

Henry David Thoreau was an eccentric 19th century American author, philosopher, and naturalist. He spent 2 years, 2 months and 2 days living in a small cabin he built himself outside of Concord, Massachusetts. He chronicles his reflections during that experience in his 1854 book, Walden. He explains the rationale for his exile in the […]

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Examining Dispensationalism’s Defunct Covenant Theology: The New Covenant

This article will analyze the New Covenant, as understood within Dispensational and Particular Baptist theological frameworks. In keeping with the pattern of this section of the Dismantling Dispensationalism series, each of the three main classifications of Dispensationalism will be categorized with the primary source that corresponds thereto. Moreover, relevant citations from a Particular Baptist (1689 […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Questions 10-11

Introduction Now that we have considered God’s existence, attributes, and trinity, we may begin to contemplate His acts. We start not with the external acts of God. We start with the internal acts, namely His decrees or sometimes referred to in the singular as His decree. Body Question 10  A. Question and Answer Q. 10. […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Questions 10-11

Introduction Now that we have considered God’s existence, attributes, and trinity, we may begin to contemplate His acts. We start not with the external acts of God. We start with the internal acts, namely His decrees or sometimes referred to in the singular as His decree. Body Question 10  A. Question and Answer Q. 10. […]

Examining Dispensationalism’s Defunct Covenant Theology: The Davidic Covenant

This article will examine the Davidic Covenant, as understood within Dispensational and Particular Baptist theological frameworks. In keeping with the pattern of this section of the Dismantling Dispensationalism series, each of the three main classifications of Dispensationalism will be categorized with the primary source that corresponds thereto. Moreover, relevant citations from a Particular Baptist (1689 […]

Examining Dispensationalism’s Defunct Covenant Theology: The Mosaic (Old) Covenant

This article will canvass the Mosaic Covenant, as understood within Dispensational and Particular Baptist theological frameworks. In keeping with the pattern of this section of the Dismantling Dispensationalism series, each of the three main classifications of Dispensationalism will be categorized with the primary source that corresponds thereto. Moreover, germane citations from a Particular Baptist (1689 […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 4

Introduction The last question we answered told us how we know there is a God. We know there is a God because the light of nature in man and the works of God plainly declare there is a God, but His Word and Spirit only do it fully and effectually for the salvation of sinners. […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 3

Introduction Who is the first and greatest of beings? God is the first and greatest of beings. Should everyone believe there is a God? Everyone should believe there is a God, and it is their great sin and folly who do not. The questions and answers of the catechism are interrelated and build off of […]
