Reflecting on the Baptist Faith and Message, Part 2: The Doctrine of Scripture

The first article of The Baptist Faith and Message, the doctrinal statement of the Southern Baptist Convention, addresses the doctrine of Scripture and reads as follows: The Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired and is God’s revelation of Himself to man. It is a perfect treasure of divine instruction. It has God for […]

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A Helpful Analysis of the 2021 SBC Annual Meeting by Dr. David Schrock

David Schrock, SBC pastor and professor, over at Via Emmaus offers a helpful analysis of the SBC 2021 annual meeting. He offers 3 reasons for conventional concern: First, the unwillingness to clarify the language of Resolution 1 evidences an aversion to the task of doing theology.   Second, the unwillingness to name Critical Race Theory highlights […]

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Battening Down the Hatches: How to Take the Ship in Nashville

The story begins in October of 2019. In a group text with some brothers from Perryville Second Baptist, one man shared Jeff Noblit’s video on Leaving the SBC. Another guy responded with, “Maybe instead of jumping ship, we should take the ship.” After I had watched the Founder’s Cinedoc, By What Standard?, I posted my […]

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The SBC is Not a Convention of Seminary Faculty

You may or may not have heard that Dr. Al Mohler stirred up the interwebs today by talking about Women Pastors, Women Preachers, and the Looming Test of the Southern Baptist Convention. The gist of Mohler’s argument is that the Southern Baptist Convention has already fought and won the battle over complementarianism in the SBC […]

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The Egalitarian Shift in the Committee on Committees

  It’s totally a Baptist thing to have a committee on committees, isn’t it? But for those who do not know, this committee is one of the most important (if not the most important) committees that exists within the Southern Baptist Convention. Baptist Press correctly articulates the situation:   “The Committee on Committees, with two members […]

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PragNAMBtism: Dr. Ezell’s position on Women Pastors in SBC Church Plants

*At the time of this posting Echo Church is still listed as a NAMB church plant with a female teaching pastor.  If the Southern Baptist Convention is going to see true reformation, the 11th Commandment has to end. For those unfamiliar with this rule, it is an unwritten agreement that you don’t talk publicly about […]

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Why the SBC Needs a Tent Revival

Just Keachy I suppose every post must start somewhere. This one begins in 1673 – the year Benjamin Keach decided to apply Matthew 26:30 tangibly to his church at Horsleydown in London. I suppose I should also mention Keach was Baptist before it was cool; before there was so much Great Commission™ money. This was before the […]

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An Open Letter to the Southwestern Seminary and Scarborough College Family (Adam Greenway)

In this open letter, Adam W. Greenway, President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, addresses recent controversy surrounding a recent statement from the Council of Seminary Presidents.
The post An Open Letter to the Southwestern Seminary and…

Making a Statement: A Response to the New Statement on Justice, Repentance, and the SBC

I just read the new statement on Justice, Repentance, and the SBC (hereafter referred to as JRS) posted over at on 12/18/2020. I’d like to offer several quick reactions. Included in these reactions is also my reaction to J.D. Greear’s statement on the JRS statement. I guess you’re reading a statement on statements that […]

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Will Southern Baptists practice biblical conservatism or acceptable progressivism? (Ronnie Floyd)

In this article from Ronnie Floyd’s Advancing the Vision series, Floyd writes, “The future is not in having cultural conversations apart from the Bible. This will always lead to division. Southern Baptist pastors, leaders, and churches need…

Some Reflections On Those Who Walk Away from the Faith (Rhyne Putman)

(You can find the following Twitter thread from Rhyne Putman here or here.) A few traits characterize the theologians, pastors, and students I know who have walked away from their faith. They “loved human praise more than praise from God” (John 12:43). They often seemed more concerned about being open-minded than having their minds renewed […]

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