Scott Aniol: The Cessation of the Gift of Tongues
This message is from the 2024 Cessationist Conference:
A Network of Christian Blogs
This message is from the 2024 Cessationist Conference:
This message is from the 2024 Reformation Conference:
Recommended Resources:My Issue with Music in the ChurchThe New Worship WarShould We Be Theological In Our Worship Songs?Should A Church Play Music From Hillsong and Bethel?Be Mindful of What You SingDon’t Let Them InWho You Associate With Matters
This Q&A discussion features Steven Lawson, Josh Buice, Hensworth Jonas, David Woolin, Scott Aniol, Joel Beeke, Tom Pennington, and Virgil Walker as they discuss the Reformation:
The Holy Spirit is at work today in the church. There is no denying that. Every Bible believing Christian believes that, however there are disagreements with how the Spirt is working in today.Charismatics believe that the Spirit is working through the …
Over at the G3 Podcast, Scott Aniol, Josh Buice, and Virgil Walker discuss the danger of modern day prophecy:
If you have been in church as long as I have, you may have heard the expression, “In the world, not of the world.” This is softly based on Jesus’ High Priestly prayer in John 17, which says, “I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep …
The book of Psalms is one of the most popular books of the Bible and perhaps the most read book of the Old Testament. Some have called the book of Psalms, “God’s songbook” or “God’s Hymnbook.” Many of the Psalms, if not all of them, have been conv…