Forgetting the Holiness of God

In looking over the landscape of the church today, many people have noticed that the holiness of God has largely been forgotten, overlooked, and ignored. The late J.I. Packer claimed that the contemporary Christian finds holiness to be outdated and irrelevant. Kevin DeYoung wrote, “Shouldn’t those most passionate about the gospel and God’s glory also […]

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Spurgeon and the Sabbath: The Surrey Music Hall Controversy

Imagine you are a member of a church that rents a theater for worship. Every Sunday morning you meet without incident. In fact, God has providentially used this location to reach the rich and the poor for the gospel. Thousands, who otherwise would have not heard an evangelical sermon, now sit under the preaching of […]

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Reforming Sexuality? Gender, Leadership and the Bible in the Controversy Between John Knox & Queen Mary

“My people infants are their oppressors, and women rule over them.” Isaiah 3:12 Starting decades ago, many, especially in the universities, have lost faith in the Western civilization narrative. While this is not necessarily a new phenomenon, few have been the voices in the academia wanting to explore the possible reasons that led to such […]

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Reforming Sexuality? Gender, Leadership and the Bible in the Controversy Between John Knox & Queen Mary

“My people infants are their oppressors, and women rule over them.” Isaiah 3:12 Starting decades ago, many, especially in the universities, have lost faith in the Western civilization narrative. While this is not necessarily a new phenomenon, few have been the voices in the academia wanting to explore the possible reasons that led to such […]

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A Medley of Reformed Relevance

This edition of the Founders Journal puts together articles on a broad spectrum of specific topics but all informed by the big ideas of the Reformed Confessional heritage.   Ottavio Palombaro, in addition to having gained a (Th.D.), also gained a Ph. D. in economic sociology along with a BA in cultural anthropology. His expertise […]

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Charles Spurgeon’s Public Evangelism (Part Three)

This article is Part 3 in a series, you can read Part 1 and Part 2 here. In the last two posts, we have seen that evangelism was integral to Spurgeon’s public ministry. Similarly, Spurgeon was concerned with equipping men to preach the everlasting gospel to the lost. In this final post, we will explore Spurgeon’s methods […]

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Christ’s Perfect Life

As Easter approaches, one thing that Christians need to remember other than Christ redeeming us by His sacrificial death on the cross then being raised to life on the third day, is His perfect life. Christ lived a life of perfect obedience to the Fathe…

Charles Spurgeon’s Public Evangelism (Part Two)

This article is Part 2 in a series, you can read Part 1 here. In the last post, we considered Charles Spurgeon’s public evangelism in terms of his support and practice of open-air preaching. In this post, we will consider the other means that Spurgeon used to wield the sword of the Spirit and the […]

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Amazing Grace in the Return of The Lord

The sun shall soon dissolve like snow,the moon forbear to shine;but God, who called me here below,will be forever mine. Newton’s Collage.  Long before twentieth artists like Pablo Picasso began to use the technique of collage, employing a collection of objects in their work, and long before Charles Ives wrote his Second Symphony, incorporating quotations […]

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Pastoral Reflections on a Pastor’s Hymn

There are not many events from the year 1773 that still affect our lives today. There are not many people who were around in 1773 that are still remembered today. But I can guarantee you that on any given Sunday, Christians in various churches around the world are singing a song written by an ordinary […]

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Exposition of “Amazing Grace:” An Appreciation of 250 Years of Edifying Influence

Editorial Comments on Founders Journal Exposition of “Amazing Grace:”  An Appreciation of 250 Years of Edifying Influence The 250th anniversary of the first singing of “Amazing Grace” was January 2023. It was written by John Newton and sung by his parish congregation in Olney, England. This Journal is committed to a theological exposition of that […]

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Charles Spurgeon’s Public Evangelism (Part 1)

This article is Part 1 in a series. Each local church plays a vital role in the great commission. Sadly, according to C. H. Spurgeon, the great commission has become the great omission. Spurgeon writes: The gospel command is so little obeyed that one would imagine that it ran thus, ‘Go into your own place […]

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A Compelling Case for a Confession of Faith – Part 2

In the last post, we considered some introductory reasons for every local church to have a healthy confession of faith. In this post, I’ll give you 5 positive reasons for having a confession of faith. First, because: We Have a Conviction Robert Paul Martin wrote, “An unwillingness to define with precision the faith that it […]

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Regaining and Clarifying Our Memory: Embracing a Whole Christ

This article is part 13 in a series by Tom Nettles on Remembering Jesus Christ. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12). The orthodox party of Nicea prevailed for less than a decade. Challenges to the formula of Nicea soon began to […]

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Remember Jesus Christ – The Creed of Nicea

This article is part 12 in a series by Tom Nettles on Remembering Jesus Christ. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11). The first of the ecumenical creeds was formulated in a council called by the emperor Constantine. According to historians Eusebius of Caesarea […]

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The Rule of Faith and the Apostles’ Creed

This article is part 8 in a series by Tom Nettles on Remembering Jesus Christ. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7). Parts of this post were published on this site in 2016. What we find on the pages of the New Testament concerning the true humanity of Christ and the concerns […]

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