Forgiving God? 

Plans sputter, hopes crumble, relationships derail, or evil exposes itself. I know I did my part – but God didn’t come through. Because life is full of disappointments, modern pastors and writers inform me, it must also be full of forgiveness. Their sage advice? Loosely commandeering Psalm 142:2, they urge cultivating a lifestyle of forgiving others, forgiving […]

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A Picture Worth A Thousand Words: The Beauty of Believer’s Baptism

In Romans 6:1-14, the Apostle Paul gives Christians, among other things, one of the purposes of believer’s baptism. This blessed ordinance of our Lord Jesus Christ is a beautiful picture worth a thousand words! While much ink has been spilled over the mode, subject, and purpose of baptism, let me give you three simple, yet […]

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Feet and Inches: Christ Rules Over All Things

Reintroducing George Smeaton and Abraham Kuyper Writing on different subjects, in different language, but at roughly the same period of time, George Smeaton and Abraham Kuyper used synonymous language to describe Christ’s reign over the earth.  In our first post, we introduced them; today we will compare and combine their statements to give a more […]

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An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 22

Introduction Having previously considered the sinfulness of the state in which man fell, we now consider the misery of that state. The Baptist Catechism, Question #22 Q. 22. What is the misery of that estate whereinto man fell? A. 22. All mankind by their fall lost communion with God,⁠¹⁠ are under his wrath and curse,⁠²⁠ […]

A Dissertation Concerning the Nature of True Virtue

Summarized by Tom J. Nettles In his opening section Edwards demonstrates that true virtue consists most essentially in benevolence to being in general. Though this could include all things that have existence, Edwards is concerned mainly with rational being. Virtue concerns the “beauty of the qualities and exercises of the heart, or those actions which […]

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The Beauty of Duty

Duty is defined as “that which one is morally or legally bound to do.” That defines duty in an absolute sense. Another definition is “action or conduct required by one’s profession or position.” That might, often does, involve absolutes, but the particular actions required are relative to the skill, qualification, interpersonal relations, and professional office […]

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An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 21

*For other installments from this series, see here. Introduction In previous installments, we considered the relationship God had with Adam in the garden, Adam’s breaking of the covenant, the fact that Adam represented his natural seed, and the state in which Adam’s sin brought man into. The next question focuses on the sinfulness of that […]

Why Does the Virgin Birth Matter? Our Savior Depends On It: Part 2

Note: Part 1 and Part 2 of this series. Passage of Focus: Galatians 4:4-5 (cf. Psalm 22:22-24) It has been well said that one of the central themes in Scripture could be summarized as follows: “God is redeeming a people by His Son, for His Son, to His own glory.”[1] When contemplating the totality of […]

Why Christianity is Necessary in the Public Square: Reflecting on the Church’s Responsibility

*Note: Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this series can be accessed here (insert links to articles). During the first half of the twentieth century, few Christian figures were more active in contending for the faith than J. Gresham Machen (Jude 1:3).[1] When confronted with the face of theological liberalism in the Presbyterian Church […]

Why Christianity is Necessary in the Public Square: Solidifying Ethical Standards in Society

Note: Parts 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this series. Barring anything unforeseen, the United States of America was forever changed on June 26, 2015. In the wake of Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court formally legislated every state to license marriages between same-sex couples, and to recognize all marriages that were lawfully performed out of state.[1] […]
