Dismantling Dispensationalism: The Origin, Necessity, and Interpretation of the Bible

Christianity is true insofar that the Holy Bible is God’s self-revelation to mankind.[1] The entirety of the Christian faith and its corresponding worldview hinges upon the Bible being the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God (2 Cor. 2:17; 4:2). At least two frightening consequences would result from the Bible simply being another book from […]

Confessions Give Biblical Concentration to Preaching

Confessions help focus our attention on central issues of faith and avoid personal idiosyncrasies in doctrine and emphasis as well as dodge the fallacy of giving too little attention to … More

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Some Reflections On Those Who Walk Away from the Faith (Rhyne Putman)

(You can find the following Twitter thread from Rhyne Putman here or here.) A few traits characterize the theologians, pastors, and students I know who have walked away from their faith. They “loved human praise more than praise from God” (John 12:43). They often seemed more concerned about being open-minded than having their minds renewed […]

The post Some Reflections On Those Who Walk Away from the Faith (Rhyne Putman) appeared first on Conservative Resurgence: Voices.

Confessions Give Clear and Tested Expression To Controverted Doctrines

At least through the first three centuries of Christian history, baptism was preceded by a statement of belief on the part of the person being baptized. Some confessions arose, therefore, … More

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The Nature Of A Confession Of Faith In The Organization Of Its Content

Confessions can be an aid to understanding the Bible. They developed from the desire of Christian teachers to help Christians give clear testimony to biblical truth. At the most fundamental … More

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Confessional Christian Discipleship Part 2

Introduction Not long ago, I wrote the first part of this mini-series. In it, I defined what both a confession of faith and catechism is: A confession is a statement of what a group believes the Bible teaches on various topics in a succinct, orderly, and comprehensive manner. A catechism is a series of questions […]

Postmodernism and Christian Apologetics

THE UNIVERSAL CHARGE FOR CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS During his pastoral tenure at the church in Ephesus, Timothy was confronted with a geographical environment that featured many opponents of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.[1] Amidst the surrounding area of the Ephesian church plant, was a cesspool of religious heresies being postulated by those who had once identified […]

Response from a Crooked Stick

I have to admit to confusion and perplexity about the claims of a student, “As I’ve walked across the campus today, I realize that an unfortunate reality is that the … More

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Karl Marx vs Charles Spurgeon: An Epic Struggle for the Souls of Men in 19th-Century London

Karl Marx, an apostle of evil, and Charles Spurgeon, the “Prince of Preachers,” were evangelists with messages that couldn’t have been more different—and they lived in the same city at … More

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Removing Names: Deep Cleansing?

Dwight Mckissic recently presented to the trustees and president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary open letter. Since it was an open letter, I assume he wanted all Southern Baptists, … More

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Federal Vision Pt. VI: A Particular Baptist Critique and An Apologetic for 1689 Federalism

My life as a Christian was forever changed on an ordinary day off from work in early December (2019). As my wife left for her job at a local preschool, I trudged from our bedroom to the living room table to embark upon another lengthy day of homework. The Fall semester was nearing its conclusion, […]

Something New is Coming: Jeremiah 31:31-37 (Part 2)

Part 1 can be found here. The Promise of the New Covenant 31:31. “Behold the days are coming” (ESV). This phrase, as I showed above, is used frequently by Jeremiah. It precedes a promise with certain results grounded in Yahweh’s sovereign rule over everything. Sometimes it precedes a promise of the judgment upon Yahweh’s people. […]

Eldership in the Local Church Pt. 6: Opposing Views to Plural Elder Led Congregationalism–Episcopalianism

Opposing Views to Plural Elder Led Congregationalism The first major opposing view to plural elder-led congregationalism that we will consider is Episcopalianism. There are different groups that hold to different theological convictions that use this form of church governance. The Episcopalian governance structure teaches that bishops are a distinct office, above deacons and presbyters.[1] Some […]

“The Good is oft interr’d with Their Bones”

There can be no doubt that John A. Broadus embraced fervently the cause of the confederacy in the Civil War. Broadus went to serve as a chaplain in the Southern … More

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