Panel Discussion: The Christian Sexual Ethic
Recommended Resources:The Lust of the Flesh by Jared Moore
Recommended Resources:The Lust of the Flesh by Jared Moore
Over at the G3 Podcast, Scott Aniol, Josh Buice, and Virgil Walker discuss the danger of modern day prophecy:
Just when you thought you heard it all about the incident with Mark Driscoll and the Stronger Men’s Conference but wait there is more. In this first video, Justin Peters interviews Phil Johnson regarding his insight into what had happened with Dri…
I am sure by now you have heard about Mark Driscoll, former pastor of Mars Hill Church, being kicked off the stage at a men’s conference for calling out the “Jezabel” spirit that was in the midst of the men attending. The conference began with the male…
I am sure by now you have heard about Mark Driscoll, former pastor of Mars Hill Church, being kicked off the stage at a men’s conference for calling out the “Jezabel” spirit that was in the midst of the men attending. The conference began with the male…
There has been some debate over the years whether or not the days of creation in Genesis means an actual 24-hour day or millions of years. Young earth creationists, such as myself, believes the days of creation were an actual 24-hour day whereas old cr…
One of the things mentioned during the infamous roundtable discussion were the comments made by Martin Luther regarding the Jews. Now Michael Brown would say how can you condemn false teachers for what they say and do while giving Martin Luther a …
One of the things mentioned during the infamous roundtable discussion were the comments made by Martin Luther regarding the Jews. Now Michael Brown would say how can you condemn false teachers for what they say and do while giving Martin Luther a …
It seems the Roundtable Discussion between Storms, Brown, Osman, and Peters is still a hot topic these days. There have been a lot of videos in response to it that is hard to keep up with. Steven Kozar, who has posted two other videos about the roudnta…
It seems the Roundtable Discussion between Storms, Brown, Osman, and Peters is still a hot topic these days. There have been a lot of videos in response to it that is hard to keep up with. Steven Kozar, who has posted two other videos about the roudnta…
Over at The Messed Up Church YouTube channel, Steven Kozar has produced two response videos in regards the Roundtable Discussion between Sam Storm, Michael Brown, Jim Osman, and Justin Peters.This first video is regarding a “prophecy” about the weather…
During the roundtable discussion, Michael Brown mentioned comments that Martin Luther made regarding the Jews of his day. In this video, Chris Rosebrough offers some clarification regarding Luther’s comments:In this next video, Rosebrough calls Brown o…
This roundtable discussion with Jim Osman, Justin Peters, Sam Storms, and Michael Brown is in regards to what makes one a false teacher and the continuation of the sign gifts of the Spirit:
This is video from the Smart Christians Channel on YouTube:
James Coates preached at Mission Bible Church on the holiness of God from Isaiah 6:1-7:
Not too long ago, I shared a video of Steven Lawson teaching if a believer can lose his/her salvation, which was from the series the Doctrines of Grace in John. That video was part one of a two-part teaching titled, “Persevering Grace.” This video is p…
Recommended Resources:A Biblical Case for Cessationism: Why the Miraculous Gifts of the Spirit Have Ended by Tom Pennington, which is based on his sermon from the Strange Fire ConferenceThe Final Word: A Biblical Response to the Case for Tongues and Pr…
This is from Lawson’s series on the Doctrines of Grace in John:
Cessationism is the belief that the Apostolic sign gifts as seen through the Apostles in the New Testament have ceased. There has been a lot of discussions on this topic and a lot of disagreements. Ten ago, John MacArthur hosted the Strange Fire confer…